Thursday, August 25, 2011

Discover the wheels of years gone by this weekend...

 Yesterday’s Wheels
August 27 & 28
9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Even before the days of automobiles, transportation for people was influenced by culture, economics, location and seasons.  

A collection of these vehicles will be on display along talks relating to how these vehicles were built and used.  Many antique horse-drawn vehicles will be on display along with members of the Western Reserve Carriage Association explaining their purposes and other interesting facts.
Admission $6; ages 60+, $5; Youth 2 – 11, $4; younger than 2, Free

Friday, August 19, 2011

River Jamboree: One Fish. Two Fish.

In Lake County we have a wonderful bounty of freshwater resources, including the Grand River - our only Scenic and Wild River.  Join Lake Metroparks from 1:00 to 4:00 pm this Sunday, August 21, as we celebrate this amazing resource during the River Jamboree, a free event for all ages which focuses on those species and qualities that make the Grand River unique.

Check out these fishy activities:
  • View live fish
  • Catch a fish in the river
  • Get a free fish guide
  • Learn how to cast a fly fishing rod
  • Find out which fish are bad news for our river
  • Listen to live music
  • Meet other organizations dedicated to the protection of our rivers
One Fish, two fish..many fish call the Grand River home. Have you ever wondered about the fish that are swimming in the river? Only a few of the fish in our river systems are sport fish, so what about the rest?  

Discover the red fish, the brilliantly colored redside dace; the blue fish, the bluegill a fisherman’s favorite; the black fish, the busy blackside darter; the old fish, the prehistoric longnose gar; and the new fish, the non-native invasive common carp. 
Join us as we investigate the scaly residents of the Grand River and how important they are to the river ecosystem.  

Admission: Free and open to the public. No registration necessary

Hidden Valley Park is located at 4880 Klasen Road in Madison Twp.

Take I-90 to Rt. 528 south for 1.5 miles. Turn right (west) onto Klasen Road. Hidden Valley Park is near the end of Klasen Road on the left.
